Thursday, May 3, 2007

still living free from the storm

ok so... the federal government is STILL paying for the 'victims' of Hurricane Katrina... at what point will the government tell people to get off their asses and get a damn job... i mean for fuck sake!!! how long could any of you live without a job? apparently if you are poor and a 'victim' you can live for 3 or 4 years... the last time i got evicted, i managed to keep my job while living on the floor at my parents house... the last time i lost my job unexpectedly, i got another one within about two days... and the last time my neighborhood got hit by a hurricane... well there wasn't any serious damage to my house... but if it had been leveled, you bet your ass i would have gotten a new place to live by working my ass off... but thanks to FEMA, you don't have to:

* Temporary housing assistance programs for Gulf Coast hurricane victims living in apartments, trailers or mobile homes have been extended by 18 months until March 2009. The current extension expires on August 31, 2007.
* GCR, HUD and FEMA are working on a plan whereby HUD would take over management of the rental housing program on behalf of FEMA beginning on September 1, 2007. GCR, HUD and FEMA are working on the mechanics of the new arrangement and will consult with Congress on the most appropriate structure for transferring management responsibilities.
* Beginning in March 2008, individuals in both the rental housing and trailer/mobile home programs will pay a portion of the cost, which will begin at $50 per month and incrementally increase each month thereafter until the program concludes on March 1, 2009.
* Beginning immediately, FEMA will allow residents of its mobile homes and travel trailers to purchase their dwellings at a fair and equitable price.
* Families and individuals in both the rental and trailer/mobile home programs will be given complete information, supportive services, resources and ample time to prepare themselves for the end of temporary, subsidized housing.

ahh well at least they are finally going to start charging them $50 a month... i wonder when they will start asking them to pay back all the free housing money they have taken advantage of so far?

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