Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Occupation of Iraq?

From NewsMax

America's first Muslim member of congress thinks that we are occupiers?

Ellison argued that President Bush's expected plan to send 20,000 more troops to Iraq is "way too late, way too little" to make a difference.

"So rather than do something small and ineffective, why not get about the business of what we're going to have to do eventually, which is to begin to end the occupation?" he said.

oh, wait, theres more:

Bush is expected to ask Congress for $100 billion in additional funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"I want to see (the request) first, I want to actually look at it, but I'm not inclined to continue to support a war or an occupation that he has no plans to get us out of, and which is so costly in terms of dollars and lives of American soldiers - but also Iraqis," Ellison said.

Pardon my language, but WHAT THE FUCK? This guy is insane... No, wait... nahh hes just trying to undermine this country... next he'll call for Sharia Courts and laws.

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